Recently, Open Box Technology (OBT) was asked by Kirk Place Presbyterian to tidy and simplify their existing system as well as install multiple screens in their auditorium space that could cater various functions and uses.
Guide to Livestreaming your Church Service

With the recent Coronavirus outbreak and recommendations to limit gathering sizes, churches are having to rethink how they conduct regular gatherings. With increasing uncertainty over whether churches may be able to gather at all, it is increasingly necessary to consider online video options. This guide aims to provide some practical considerations when thinking about video and live streaming options, along with advice on the technical aspects of online video production.
What We’ve Done: Drummoyne Baptist Church
A little under a year ago we engaged to do a full audio and visual system overhaul for Drummoyne Baptist Church. We worked closely Brett Lee-Price (elder) to help turn what they had into a more functional system.
If you want people to do something, make it easy.
Richard Thaler is recognised as one of the fathers of Behavioural Economics, which seeks to discover and influence real-world human behaviour. His work as both a professor and consultant gave rise to his basic advice of ‘if you want people to do something, make it easy’. His (and others) work in this area has resulted in a number of teams that work in the area, most notably the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) of the UK government.
What We’ve Done: Arundel House and St Anne’s Ryde
Open Box Technology was approached by Arundel House, a home for women students in Sydney’s university precinct, to assist with some IT issues. We are transitioning them from an old Windows Server handling emails and file storage, reconfiguring their internet connection and wifi network to provide greater stability and coverage, and generally making the IT system more usable and friendly.
St Anne’s Ryde also contacted us in regards to some significant issues with their on-site Windows Server.