The Robo-Pastor Part 2


In Part 1 of our series on the Robo-Pastor I discussed what it looks like to include technology in the life of the ministry staff. It is evident that technology is advancing at a rate that significantly changes workplaces and what is expected from employees. Tasks can be automated or eliminated, reducing the required output from staff. This can lead us to fear for our jobs. This fear is not valid, however, particularly when it comes to clergy. Technologically assisted ministry staff (or Robo-Pastors) have more time to invest in people and the life of the church.

How does this happen? What kind of tools are available for the Robo-Pastor?

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The Robo-Pastor Part 1

The 21st Century has well and truly arrived, and with it comes technology only previously seen in science fiction. We still have not seen artificial intelligence of the ilk of The Jetsons and 2001: A Space Odyssey, but surely these are not too far away. Many of the tasks that took up our time in the past have been replaced by much less time consuming technological processes. Soon many jobs will be threatened by technological advancements. So what does this mean for ministry staff? Are our pastors going to be replaced by Robo-Pastors?

2001: A Space Odyssey

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What We’ve Done: Northside Conference Centre

Northside Conference Centre is a highly professional, purpose built venue offering state of the art audio visual facilities for major conferences, cocktail functions, AGMs and corporate events. Clients from all over Sydney turn to Northside to host their events. Open Box Technology provides AV technicians and managers for many of the events in the facility. We look after a large and professional AV system in the Auditorium, as well as a few small and mobile systems and projectors.

Northside Conference Centre Sound Desk

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What We’ve Done: Elvanto Migration, Setup and Training

Over the last few years Open Box Technology has worked with a number of churches to provide migration assistance, setup help and training for the Church Member Database called Elvanto. We have helped transition from previous member databases; online, software based or even old excel spreadsheets. We have assisted in thinking through how Elvanto should be set up in the specific context of the church, as well as the training of staff or volunteers in how to use the database.

Elvanto Group Shot

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